Saturday, March 6, 2010

if. why. what.

i had this little thought when i passed by yupangco bldg. tonight. what would i be like if i opted to not have my 8-to-5 job? what if i decided to be all artsy and became a make-up artist, a designer, a writer or a musician?

i would be doing what i love to do. but i would still be looking for the "glitz and glamour" of the corporate world. is it possible to be corporate-y and still do lots of artsy stuff? maybe, but probably not. besides, a person can't have everything, right? you may be all rich and you love your job, but something will definitely be wrong. family matters, love life, health issues, whatever. something's bound to be amiss.

why is that? why can't people have everything and just be happy? here's what my tired little brain concluded -- you can't be happy if you haven't been miserable. if everything's perfect for you, you'd just feel normal. wala lang.

so what do you prefer? feel nothing? or be happy but go through sh*t first?

1 comment:

punkrocktatay said...

corporate life is stuffy and full of s&%t! hehe. follow the path with a heart...