Wednesday, January 13, 2010

kick-ass femininity

i have said before that i admire sophie kinsella for pursuing her "alternative career" -- that is being a chick-lit writer.

there's another woman who i admire - and slightly envy too. she is sharon del adel, vocalist of the rock band Within Temptation. ok, so you think "yeah sure, another rocker chick". but it's not just her powerful voice that caught my attention. aside from their band's kick-ass music (which i discovered through body combat wahoo!), her fashion sense is amazing.

sharon actually wears gowns while rocking out onstage! as in long gowns and cocktail dresses and combat boots. i love it!

(image from

(image from

with the rest of the band

(image from

it makes sense though, because before being a full time musician, she first worked in the fashion industry.

when you look at her onstage, she can project toughness and femininity at the same time. plus she's from both the fashion and music industries. ok, now i'm really jealous :))

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