Friday, February 4, 2011

giving in to my inner little girl

work. bills. loans. mortgage. budget. stress.

all these things surround the normal working-class adult. and these grown-up stuff can be stifling (a bit exaggerated. but you get what i mean).

so what does this 20-something pondering little lady do? i give in to my inner little girl, while still catering to my grown-up needs. you know, just to get back that giddy feeling.

what did i love when i was a kid? barbie, definitely. my neighbor and i used to play barbie all day. complete with our little barbie grocery and department store (yes, we have a department store, with lots of shoes and clothes). but instead of buying a barbie doll (i'm not really a collector,so pass), i got myself a more functional alternative - a Barbie Pink Power Hand Sanitizer! sooo cute :) and it has a powdery scent to it. i got it in the kids' accessories section :D and yeah, this is still a couple of months from now, but my mom said that she would sponsor the Red Ribbon Barbie cake on my birthday! YAHOOO!

hmm what else? i went to Robinson's Galleria's deparment store to buy my usual toiletries. when i saw a Gelato Vanilla Lip Balm! and the container looked like a miniature pint of gelato! i couldn't resist getting it! (buti nalang 100+ pesos lang. kung hindi, pag-iisipan ko pa hahahah!) uh-huh, it does taste like sweet vanilla :) also available in cherry.

so yeah, i have a job and i have bills to pay. but i guess there's still a little girl in me :)

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