Monday, September 13, 2010


was there a time wherein you questioned what you're doing with your life? why you chose the path that you're taking? i know i have. a million times.

a lot of people say that their passion - whether it's performing, painting, photography, writing, whatever - will just be a hobby. they can't make it into a career. mainly because it's not practical, and let's admit that most of us need financial stability and security.

i recently read a blog about pursuing one's passion and here's what i learned.

first, you have to dig deeper. you should identify the "essence" of your passion. for example, you have a passion of singing. why do you love singing? is it because you want to entertain people? you like to express your creativity? you want to inspire others? 

once you've identified this "essence" (oh yeah, it doesn't have to be just one), think about your preferred form of expression. writing? music? fashion?  cooking? then based on the list, you can think of all the possible "careers" - teacher, stylist, journalist, director, sales person, etc. pick something on your list that you are most passionate about, and then formulate a plan to make it happen. yep, easier said than done, i know. it's a long process, but it may be doable.

i did step 1, and reflected on what i'm passionate about. here's what i got:
- i like brainstorming and creative thinking.
- i want to be able to oversee a process/operation. parang coordinate, collaborate and make it work.
- women empowerment (i think that's pretty obvious with my other posts haha!)
- i want to learn/experience new things. 
- this is may sound nerdy, but i like to be able to interpret data (ok, that's 100% nerdy. darn.) for example, given this whole bunch of info, what does it mean? how can it help you? (hello data-mining haha!)

i actually identified my preferred forms/means already, but i shall keep that to myself :P hmmm... where to go? what's next? more self-searching to do!


Anonymous said...

galing! :) Good luck! you can do it! It's about time you did something that made you reallllly happy :) Life is too short to be spent on things we dont really like :)

Little Lady said...

Thank you! :D

thesismate said...

So you want to be a project manager/business analyst na ha? tsktsk! I thought our goal were to become assassins and gundam pilots?

Little Lady said...

shoot parin naman sa list yung pagiging assassin & gundam pilot diba? pwede parin yun! :D